
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Videodome - Nocturnal Omissions

For the world, 2017 was a pretty shit year. But for music in CT, 2017 has brought a heap of amazing releases from extremely talented acts, and among the top of that stack is Nocturnal Omissions by Videodome. They’ve put together a record of hectic sound and heavy emotion, a combination that is insanely addictive. 

Though comprised of former members of Heavy Breath and Warm, Videodome wields a sound that is entirely their own. Grit is a mainstay across the EP’s five tracks: “Don’t Get Stoned in Glass Houses” rips open with fuzzbomb syncopation, while the overdriven bass and guitars in the title track carry heavy riffs like burdens. The drums thump like a frantic heart throughout, each beat pounding with adrenaline. The vocals waver between beauty and brutality, raging against the belligerent backdrop of instrumentation with anxious yelps and crushing honesty.

Videodome’s compositions are just as emotive and evocative as their performances: “Pleather Daddy” saunters like a serial killer stalking a victim home, while the outro to “Nocturnal Omissions” glides on dolorously sweet singing and a wandering bassline. The vocals steer the emotion of the tunes, dragging “Don’t Get Stoned in Glass Houses” from indifference into a violent exclamation of “Fuck a beautiful sunrise, I hope we never sleep.” The lyrics ooze a strange and sexual fury; every line is fraught with simultaneous desire, regret, apathy—all limned with a vicious feedback loop of anger, rolling from lyrics into vocals and back, again and again.

There’s so much to hear in this record, to feel, that each listen is near overwhelming for the senses. But as visceral as the experience is, so is it intellectual. Not a single part is repeated once too long—every lyric, riff, and wordless vocal outburst brandishes its intensity and impact without exaggeration. Nocturnal Omissions is distilled and ferocious lust, but presented with a precision and grace that is largely unmatched by other acts.

Whether you’re looking for snarling noise, delicate sadness, or outright wrath, Nocturnal Omissions truly delivers. I want to learn to play these riffs myself so I can take them with me, so effusive is the energy that they exude. Videodome’s cocktail of crushing sound and oscillating intensity is something as-of-yet unequaled in CT’s scene; if their future means honing that into an even deadlier weapon, then you had best believe my eyes and ears will be on them, and I bet yours will be too.

My Top Track: “Wet with Regret”

You can find more from Videodome, including upcoming live shows and news, on Facebook. Then grab your own copy of Nocturnal Omissions at their Bandcamp page.

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