
Monday, January 22, 2018

Kidnapped - Crunch CS

While I am an unabashed fan of sappy music like the Smashing Pumpkins or American Football, more often than not I need to spin something far more vicious, and for me, CT’s Kidnapped has mastered the distillation of brutality in their sound. Their music is built on a singular rage, the tones of a psyche snapping, and of the three releases they dropped in 2017, Crunch CS presents the best capture of Kidnapped’s unbridled fury.

Clocking in at just over six minutes, Crunch CS barrels headfirst into your ears with reckless and unrelenting energy. Not a single track breaks sixty seconds, yet Kidnapped still manages to cram tempo and dynamic changes into each piece. There is no time wasted on sentiment, nor a moment spared to catch a breath or tune a string—the band smashes song against song against song without apology, pumping their virulent music into your head until your brain is seeping from your ears.

Crunch CS sports an energy that is painfully immediate, capturing Kidnapped's live ferocity without sacrificing either decibel or definition. The drums deliver adrenaline-fueled blast beats at blistering tempos against a bass that groans like a skyscraper about to collapse. The guitars are massive and mangled with distortion, cabs retching feedback between songs and intermingling with snippets of fuzzed radio or sampled dialogue to construct a compound of insanity.

Atop this maelstrom of noise, they lay roaring vocals drenched in desperation and fury. The energy pent up in the instruments finds a voice in the lyrics, bursting from lines like "Cut me open / Rip it out / Make sure I scream / Fucking loud." Each shout smashes against the background of the instrumentation, as if fighting for its own space against the walls of noise and feedback.

When it comes to powerviolence, you will be hard pressed to find a band that hits harder than Kidnapped, and Crunch CS provides the perfect dose of their sound to get you hooked. Kidnapped cuts the bullshit out entirely, cramming viscosity and volume into each song, ripping through their riffs before careening to a quick and catastrophic end. So don't waste time and sleep on this record, because Kidnapped's trajectory is only upward, and they sure as hell aren't gonna wait for you to come around.

My top track: Scibelli Mondays

You can find more from Kidnapped, including upcoming live shows and news, on Facebook. Then grab your own copy of Crunch CS at their Bandcamp page.

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